Literature Database on Gender in Subsahara Africa
Literature on society - women's organisations
Africa Overview
Achebe, Nwando / Robertson, Claire (ed.) (2019): Holding the world together, African women in changing perspective, University of Wisconsin Press, Madison. [11596]
Adams, Melinda (2006): Regional women’s activism, African women’s networks and the African Union, in: Ferree, Myra Marx / Tripp, Aili Mari (eds.): Global feminism, Transnational women’s activism, organizing and human rights, New York University Press, New York, pp.187-218. [9900]
Alpizar, Lydia et al. (eds.) (2007): Building feminist movements, Global perspectives, Zed Books, London. [9901]
Antrobus, Peggy (2004): The global women’s movement – Origins, issues and strategies, Zed Books, London. [9903]
Apt, Nana Araba / Agyemang-Mensah, Nana / Grieco, Margaret (eds.) (1998): Maintaining the momentum of Beijing, The contributions of African gender NGO’s, Ashagte Publishers, Aldershot. [9902]
Apt, Nana Araba / Agyemang-Mensah, Nana / Grieco, Margaret (eds.) (1998): Maintaining the momentum of Beijing, The contributions of African gender NGO’s, Ashagte Publishers, Aldershot. [9905]
Arndt, Susan (ed.) (2002): Dynamics of African feminism, Africa World Press, Trenton. [9906]
Arnfred, Signe (2004): Gender activism and studies in Africa, CODESRIA Gender Series 3, Dakar. [9904]
Badis, Balghis / Tripp, Aili Marie (2017): Women’s activism in Africa, Struggles for rights and represenatation, Zed Books, London. [9907]
Basu, Amrita (ed.) (1996): Women’s movements in global perspectives, Westview Press, Boulder. [9908]
Gisela Geisler (2004): Women and the remaking of politics in Southern Africa, Negotiating autonomy, Incorporation and representation, The Nordic Africa Institute, Uppsala 2004. [9909]
Gouws, Amanda / Coetzee, Azille (2019): Women´s movements and feminist activism, in: Agenda, 33, 2, pp. 1–8. [12177]
Hodgson, Dorothy (2002): Women’s rights as human rights, Women in Law and Development in Africa (WILDAF), in: Africa Today, vol. 49, no. 2, pp. 3-26. [9910]
Kerr, Joanna / Sprenger, Ellen / Symington Alison (eds.) (2004): The future of women’s rights, Global visions and strategies, Zed Books, London. [9911]
Klein-Hesseling, Ruth (1999): Zivilgesellschaft, Frauenorganisationen und Netzwerke, Universität Bielefeld, Working Paper, No. 320, Bielefeld. [9912]
Lenz, Ilse / Mae, Michiko, Klose, Karin (Hrsg.) (2000): Frauenbewegungen weltweit – Aufbrüche, Kontinuitäten, Veränderungen, Leske u. Budrich Verlag, Opladen. [9913]
Molyneux, Maxine (1998): Analysing women’s movements, in: Jackson, Cecile / Pearson, Ruth (eds.): Feminist visions of development – Gender, analysis and policy, Routledge, London, pp.65-88. [9914]
Nakayi, Rose (2005): The women’s movement in Africa, Creative initiatives and lessons learnt, in: East African Journal of Peace and Human Rights, vol. 11, no. 2, pp.265-300. [9915]
Nelson, Barbara / Chowdhury, Najma (eds.) (1994): Women in politics worldwide, Yale University Press, New Haven / London. [9916]
Nzomo, Maria (1998): Women’s movement and democratic change, in: Villalon, Leonard / Huxtable, Philip (eds.): The African state at a critical jucture, Between disintegration and reonfiguration, Westview Press, Boulder. [9917]
Okech, Awino / Musindarwezo, Dinah (2019): Building transnational feminist alliances: Reflections on the post 2015 development agenda, in: Contexto International, 41, 2, pp. 255-272. [12229]
Rosander, Eva Evers (1997): Tranforming female identities, Women’s organisational forms in West Africa, Nordic Africa Institute, Uppsala. [9918]
Ruppert, Uta (1998): Demokratisierung oder Modernisierung von Machtlosigkeit? Geschlechterverhältnisse in den Prozessen gesellschaftlicher Transition in Afrika, in: Kreisky, Eva / Sauer, Birgit (eds.): Geschlechterverhältnisse im Kontext politischer Transformation, Westdeutscher Verlag, Opladen, pp.491-511. [9919]
Ruppert, Uta (Hg.) (1998): Lokal bewegen – global verhandeln, Internationale Politik und Geschlecht, Campus Verlag, Frankfurt a.M. [9920]
Ruppert, Uta / Jung, Andrea / Schwarzer, Beatrix (Hrsg.) (2010): Beyond the merely feasible, Transnational women’s movements and politics today, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, Baden-Baden. [9921]
Schäfer, Rita (1995): Frauenorganisationen und Entwicklungszusammenarbeit, Traditionelle und moderne Frauenzusammenschlüsse im interethnischen Vergleich, Centaurus Verlag, Pfaffenweiler/Herbholzheim. [9922]
Tamale, Sylvia (2020): Decolonialization and Afrofemninism, Daraja Press, Ottawa. [11973]
Tripp, Aila Mari (1996): Urban women's movements and political liberalization in East Africa, in: Sheldon, Kathleen (ed.): Courtyards, markets, city streets, Urban women in Africa, Westview Press, Boulder, pp.285-308. [9923]
Tripp, Aila Mari (2001): Women’s movements and challenges to neopatrimonial rule, Preliminary observations from Africa, in: Development and Change, vol. 32, no. 1, pp.33-54. [9924]
Tripp, Aila Mari (2003): Women in movements, Transformations in African political landscapes, in: International Feminist Journal of Politics, vol. 5, no. 2, pp.233-255 (and published in: Howell, Jude / Mulligan, Diana (eds.): Gender and civil society, Transcending boundaries, Routledge, New York, pp.78-101.) [9925]
Tripp, Aila Mari (2005): Regional networking as transnational feminism, African experiences, in: Feminist Africa, issue, 4. [9926]
Tripp, Aila Mari (2008): African women’s movements, Changing political landscapes, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. [9927]
Van Allen, Judith (2001): Women’s rights movements as a measure of African democracy, in: Journal of Asian and African Studies, vol. 36, no. 1, pp.39-63. [9928]
Veerman, Nel (1995): Women’s groups in Africa, Panacea or problem? in: Vena Journal, vol. 7, no. 2, pp.2-9. [9929]
Wieringa, pp. (ed.) (1995): Subversive women, Women’s movements in Africa, Asia, Latin-America, and the Carribean, Zed Books, London. [9930]
Wölte, Sonja (2002): Claiming women’s rights and contesting spaces, Women’s movements and the international women’s human rights discourse in Africa, in: Braig, Marianne / Wölte, Sonja (eds.): Common grounds or mutual exclusion? Women’s movements and international perspectives, Zed Books, London, pp.171-188. [9931]
Organization of Angolan Women (1984): Angolan women building the future, From national liberation to women's emancipation, Zed Books, London. [9932]
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Bauer, Gretchen (2011): Update on the women’s movement in Botswana, Have women stopped talking? in: African Studies Review, vol. 54, no. 2, pp. 23-46. [11715]
Leslie, Agnes Ngoma (2006): Social movements and democracy in Africa, The impact of the women’s struggles for equal rights in Botswana, Routledge, London. [9933]
Ntombi Ngwenga, Barbara (2002): Configurations of women-centred organizations in contemporary Botswana, in: Botswana Notes and Records, vol. 34, pp. 91-106. [9934]
Burkina Faso
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Balla, Essomba (1985): Rural women's associations in the Cameroons, in: Muntemba, Shimwaayi (eds.): Rural development and women: Lessons from the field, vol. II, ILO-Studies, Geneva, pp.131-145. [9935]
De Lancey, Marc W. (1987): Women’s cooperative in Cameroon: The cooperative experience of the Northwest and the Southwest Provinces, in: African Studies Review, vol. 30, no. 1, pp.1-18. [9936]
Diduk, Susan (2004): The civility of incivility: Grassroots political activism, Female farmers, and the Cameroon State, in: African Studies Review, vol. 47, no. 2, pp.27-54. [9937]
Hartwig, Elisabeth (1999): Frauenorganisationen und Selbsthilfegruppen: Ein Schritt in die Selbstständigkeit, in: Entwicklung und ländlicher Raum, 2, pp.10-12. [9938]
Hartwig, Elisabeth (2005): Rural African women as subjects of political and social change, A case study of women in Northwestern Cameroon, Lit-Verlag, Münster. [9939]
Hartwig, Elisabeth (2005): Rural African women as subjects of political and social change, A case study of women in Northwestern Cameroon, Lit-Verlag, Münster. [9940]
Jato, M. (1994): Using focus group discussion to explore the role of women's groups (Tontines) in family-planning information dissemination in Yaounde, Cameroon, in: Health Transition Review, vol. 4, no. 1, pp.90-94. [9941]
Schäfer, Rita (1995): Frauenorganisationen und Entwicklungszusammenarbeit, Traditionelle und moderne Frauenzusammenschlüsse im interethnischen Vergleich, Centaurus Verlag, Pfaffenweiler/Herbholzheim. [9942]
Westermann, Verena (1992): Women’s disturbances - Der Anlu-Aufstand bei den Kom (Kamerun), 1958-1960, Lit-Verlag, Münster. [9943]
Central African Republic
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D.R. Congo / Zaire
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Equatorial Guinea
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Cowan, Nicole Ann (1984): Women’s movement in Eritrea, in: Review of African Political Economy, no. 27-38, pp.152-155. [9944]
Hecht, Elizabeth Dorothea (1993): Die traditionellen Frauenvereine (Afoca) der Harari in Harar und in Addis Abeba, Äthiopien, Reimer Verlag, Berlin. [9945]
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Brown, A.W. (1988): A women’s cooperative in the Gambia, Sukuta communal garden project, in: Maynoux, L. (ed.): All are not equal, African women in cooperatives, Institute for African Alternatives, London, pp.42-44. [9946]
Cesay-Marenah, Coumba (1982): Women’s cooperative thrift and credit societies: An element of women’s programs in the Gambia, in: Bay, Edna (ed.): Women and work in Africa, Westview Press, Boulder, pp.289-295. [9947]
Jallow, B. (1988): Women and cooperatives in the Gambia, in: Maynoux, L. (eds.): All are not equal, African women in cooperatives, Publications of the Institute for African Alternatives, London, pp.40-42. [9948]
Jawara, Augusta (1965): The Gambia Women’s Federation, in: Women Today, vol. 6, no. 4, pp.79-81. [9949]
Schäfer, Rita (1995): Frauenorganisationen und Entwicklungszusammenarbeit, Traditionelle und moderne Frauenzusammenschlüsse im interethnischen Vergleich, Centaurus Verlag, Pfaffenweiler/Herbholzheim. [9950]
Bortei-Doku, Ellen / Aryeetey, Ernest (1996): Mobilizing cash for business: Women in rotating susu clubs in Ghana, in: Ardener, Shirley / Burman, Sandra (eds.): Money go rounds, The importance of rotating saving and credit associations for women, Berg Publishers, Oxford, pp.77-94. [9951]
Clark, Gracia (2002): Market association leaders' strategic use of language and narrative in market disputes and negotiations in Kumasi, Ghana, in: Africa Today, vol. 49, no. 1, pp. 43-49. [9952]
Dolphyne, Florence Abena (1987): The Ghana National Council on women and development: An example of concerted action, in: Oppong, Christine (ed.): Sex roles, population and development in West Africa: Policy related studies on work and demographic issues, Heinemann Publications, Portsmouth, pp.213-220. [9953]
Fallon, Kathleen (2010): Democracy and the rise of women’s movements in Sub-Saharan Africa, John Hopkins University Press, New York. [9954]
Woodford-Berger, Prudence (1997): Associating women, Female linkages, collective identities and political ideology in Ghana, in: Rosander, Eva (ed.): Transforming female identities, Women’s organisational forms in West Africa, Nordic Africa Institute, Uppsala, pp.37-53. [9955]
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Guinea Bisseau
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Ivory Coast
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Abwunza, Judith (1995): Silika, To make our lives shine, women’s groups in Maragoli, Kenya, in: Anthropologica, vol. 37, pp.27-48. [9956]
Barrett, Minna (1987): Women’s income generating initiatives in Kenya: Self-report perceptions of the needs and the value of women’s groups, in: African Urban Quarterly, vol. 2, no. 4, pp.435-442. [9957]
Bülow, Dorothee von (1990): Women's organizations and changing gender relations among the Kipsigis of Kenya, Centre for Development Research, Working Paper 90.5, Kopenhagen. [9958]
Chitere, Preston (1988): The women’s movement in Kenya: A historical perspective, 1940-1980, in: Transafrican Journal of History, vol. 17, pp.50-68. [9959]
Feldman, Rayah (1984): Women's groups and women's subordination: An analysis of policies towards rural women in Kenya, in: Review of African Political Economy, vol. 27, pp.67-85. [9960]
House-Midamba, Bessie (1996): Gender, democratisation and associational life in Kenya, in: Africa Today, vol. 43, no. 3, pp.289-306. (and published in: Young, Tom (ed.): Readings in African politics, James Currey, Oxford, 2003). [9961]
Kayongo-Male, Diane (1983): Helping self-help groups to help themselves, Training of leaders in women’s groups, in: Journal of Eastern African Research and Development, vol. 13, pp.88-103. [9964]
Komma, Toru (1984): The women’s self-help association movement among the Kipsigis of Kenya, in: Senri Ethnological Studies, vol. 15, pp.145-196. [9965]
Ludvardy, M.L. (1998): Theorizing past and present women’s organizations in Kenya, in: World Development, vol. 26, no. 9, pp.1749-1761. [9962]
Lutomia, Anna Namatsi / Sanya, Nyandiko Brenda / Rombo, Dorothy Owino (2016): Examining and contextualising Kenya’s Mandeleo ya Wanawake Organisation (MYWO), in: Lange, C. / Nakagawa, S. / Onyx, J. / Schwabenland, C. (eds.): Women’s emancipation and civil society organisations, Challenging or mainstreaming the status quo? Polity Press, Bristol, pp. 321-341. [9963]
Maas, Maria (1986): It is always good to have land, Women’s groups in Kiambu, Kenya, African Studies Centre, Research Report, No. 26, Leiden. [9966]
Maathai, Wangari (1985): Kenya: The Green Belt Movement, in: IFDA Dossier, 49, pp.3-12. [9967]
Maathai, Wangari (1995): Women, information, and the future: The women of Kenya and the Green Belt Movement, in: Brill, Alida (ed.): A rising public voice: Women in politics worldwide, Feminist Press at the City University of New York, New York, pp. 241-250. [9968]
Maathai, Wangari (2003): The Geen Belt Movement, Deep Books, London. [9969]
Malombe, Joyce (1996): Women’s groups and shelter improvement in Kenya, in: Schlyter, Ann (ed.): A place to live, Gender research on housing in Africa, Publications of the Nordic Africa Institute, Uppsala, pp.160-169. [9970]
Meyer-Mansor, Dorothee (1985): Frauenselbsthilfegruppen in Kenia, Institut für Afrika-Kunde, Hamburg. [9971]
Michaelson, M. (1994): Wangari Maathai and Kenya’s Green Belt Movement, Exploring the evolution and potentials of consensus movement mobilization, in: Social Problems, vol. 41, pp.540-561. [9972]
Muzaale, Patrick J. / Leonard, David K. (1985): Kenya's Experience with Women's Groups in Agricultural Extension: Strategies for Accelerating Improvements in Food Production and Nutritional Awareness in Africa, in: Agricultural Administration, vol. 19, pp.13-28. [9973]
Nelson, Nici (1996): The Kiambu group: A successful women’s ROSCAs in Mathare Valley, Nairobi (1971-1990), in: Ardener, Shirley / Burman, Sandra (eds.): Money go rounds, The importance of rotating saving and credit associations for women, Berg Publishers, Oxford, pp.49-70. [9974]
Nzomo, Maria (1998): Kenya, The women’s movement and democratic change, Villalón, Leonardo / Huxtable, Phillip (eds.): The African state at a critical juncture, Between disintegration and reconfiguration, Lynne Rienner Publishers, London, pp.167-184. [9975]
Odame, Helen Hambly (2002): Men in women’s groups, A gender and agency analysis of local institutions, in: Cleaver, Frances (ed.): Masculinities matter! Men, gender and development, Zed Books, London, pp.138-165. [9976]
Odul, Wilhelmina / Kabira, Wanjiku Mukabi (1995): The mother of warriors and her daughters: The women’s movement in Kenya, in: Basu, Amrita (ed.): Women’s movement in global perspective, Boulder, Westview Press, pp.187-208. [9977]
Okech, Awino (2009): Building a grassroots based movement: GROOTS Kenya, in: Development, 52, 2, pp. 224-229. [12214]
Okech, Awino (2009): Feminist digital counterpublics: Challenging femicide in Kenya and South Africa, in: Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 46, 4, pp. 1013-1030. [12215]
Okech, Awino (2007): A case study of GROOTS Kenya, in: AWID: Changing their World: Concepts and practices of women´s movement. AWID - Association for Women´s Rights in Development. [12222]
Okech, Awino / Musindarwezo, Dinah (2019): Building transnational feminist alliances: Reflections on the post 2015 development agenda, in: Contexto Internacional, 41, 2, pp. 255-272. [12226]
Ouko, Riria J.V.N. (1985): Women’s organizations in Kenya, in: Journal of Eastern African Research, vol. 15, pp.188-197. [9978]
Pala, A.O. / Wallis, M.H. / Reynolds, J.E. (1975): The women’s groups programme in the special rural development programme (SRDP), in: Pala, Achola / Awori, Thelma / Krystall, Abigail (eds.): The participation of women in Kenya society, Kenya Literature Bureau, Nairobi, pp.73-103. [9979]
Qaim, Martin (1999): Frauengruppen in der kenianischen Landwirtschaft, in: Entwicklung und ländlicher Raum, Nr. 2, pp.26-28. [9980]
Roy-Campbell, Makini Zaline (1996): Pan-African women organising for the future, The formation of the Pan African Women’s Liberation Organisation and beyond, in: African Journal of Political Science, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 45-57. [9981]
Saidi, K. (1988): Smallbusiness credit for Samburu women’s groups in Kenya, in: Rural Development in Practice, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 9-10. [9982]
Schäfer, Rita (1995): Frauenorganisationen und Entwicklungszusammenarbeit, Traditionelle und moderne Frauenzusammenschlüsse im interethnischen Vergleich, Centaurus Verlag, Pfaffenweiler/Herbholzheim. [9983]
Sorensen, Anne (1992): Women's organisations amongst the Kipsigis: Change, variety and different participation, in: Africa, vol. 62, no. 4, pp.547-566. [9984]
Stamp, Patricia (1986): Kikuyu women's self-help groups, Toward an understanding of the relation between sex-gender system and mode of production in Africa, in: Robertson, Claire / Berger, Iris (eds.): Women and class in Africa, Boulder, pp.27-46. [9985]
Staudt, Kathleen A. (1982): The Umoja Federation, The cooptation into a local power structure, in: Western Political Quarterly, 33, 2, pp.278-290. [9986]
Strobel, Margaret (1976): From Lelemama to lobbying: Women’s associations in Mombasa, in: Hafkin, Nancy / Bay, Edna (eds.): Women in Africa, Studies in Social and Economic Change, Stanford. [9987]
Tamale, Sylivia (2006): Taking the beast by its horns, Formal resistance to women’s oppression in Africa, in: Africa Development, vol. 21, no 4, pp. 5-21. [9988]
Tamale, Sylivia (2006): Think globally, act locally, Using international treties for women’s empowerment in East Africa, in: Agenda, no. 50, pp. 97-104. [9989]
Thomas, Barbara (1987): Development through Harambee: Who wins and who looses? Rural self-help projects in Kenya, in: World Development, vol. 15, no. 4, pp.463-481. [9990]
Thomas, Barbara (1988): Household coping strategies for adaptation and change: Participation in Kenyan rural women's associations, in: Africa, vol. 58, no. 4, pp.401-422. [9991]
Tripp A.M. (2016): Women’s movements and constitution making after civil unrest and conflict in Africa: The cases of Kenya and Somalia’, in: Politics and Gender, vol. 12, pp. 78–106. [12239]
Tripp, Alili Mari (1996): Urban women's movements and political liberalization in East Africa, in: Sheldon, Kathleen (ed.): Courtyards, markets, city streets, Urban women in Africa, Westview Press, Boulder, pp.285-308. [9992]
Tripp, Alili Mari (2001): Women’s movements and challenges to neo-patrimonial rule, Preliminary observations from Africa, in: Development and Change, vol. 32, no. 1, pp.33-54. [9993]
Udvary, Monica (1988): Women’s groups near the coast: Patron clientship in teh development area, in: Brokensha, David / Little, Peter (eds.): Anthropology of development and change in East Africa, Boulder, pp.217-235. [9994]
Udvary, Monica (1990): Bringing home development, The impetus of ideology for women’s groups near the Kenyan coast, in: Brokensha, W. (ed.): Social change and applied anthropology, Westview Press, Boulder, pp.182-196. [9995]
Wachtel, E. (1975): 76 A Farm for One's Own: The Rural Orientation of Women's Group Enterprises in Nakuru, Kenya, in: Rural Africana, no. 29, pp.69-81. [9996]
Wacker, Corinne (1991): Participatory Development Planning for Sustainable Development with Women's Groups in Kenya, in: Rodda, Annabel (ed.): Women and the Environment, Zed Books, London, pp.141-146. [9997]
Wacker, Corinne (1994): Sustainable development through women’s groups, A cultural approach to sustainable development, in: Harcourt, Wendy (ed.): Feminist perspective on sustainable development, Zed Books, London, pp.128-142. [9998]
Wamalwa, Betty (1991): Limits of Women's Groups as a Viable Channel for the Development of Women in Kenya, in: Wallace, Tine / March, Candida (eds.): Changing Perceptions, Writings on Gender and Development, Oxford, pp.245-252. [9999]
Wanyande, Peter (1987): Women’s groups in participatory development: Kenya’s development experience through the use of Harambee, in: Development, Seeds of Change, vol. 2/3, pp.94-102. [10000]
Wanyeki, Muthoni (2005): The African women’s development and communication network (FEMNET), Experiences of feminist organising, in: Feminist Africa, vol. 4, pp.105-115. [10001]
Wanyeki, Muthoni (2009): The African Women’s Development and Communication Network, Pan-African organizing in human rights in: Mutua, Makau (ed.): Human rights NGOs in East Africa, Political and normative tensions, Pennsylvania University Press, Pennsylvania, pp. 233-243. [10002]
Wichterich, Christa (1992): Moral, Markt, Macht - Frauengruppen in Kenia, in: Peripherie, Nr. 47/48, pp.7-21. [10003]
Wipper, Audrey (1973): The Maendeleo ya Wanawake Organization: The cooperation of leadership, in: African Studies Review, 17, 3. [10004]
Wipper, Audrey (1975): The Maendeleo ya wanawake movement in the colonial period: The Canadian connection, Mau Mau, embroidery and agriculture, in: Rural Africana, 21, pp.195-213. [10005]
Wipper, Audrey (1989): Kikuyu women and the Harry Thuku disturbances, Some uniformities of female militancy, in: Africa, 59,. 3, pp.300-337. [10006]
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African Women and Peace Support Group (2004): Liberian women peacemakers, Fighting for their right to be seen, heard and counted, Africa World Press, Trenton. [10007]
Association of Female Lawyers of Liberia (1998): Hundreds of victims silently grieving, in: Trushen, M. et al. (ed.): What women do in wartime, Zed Books, London, pp.129-137. [10008]
Buelow, George (1981): Eve’s rib, Association membership and mental health among Kru women, in: Liberian Studies Journal, vol. 9, pp.23-33. [10009]
Fuest, Veronika (2009): Liberian women’s peace movement, Factors of collective action in a war affected country, in: Ellis, Stephen / van Kessel, Inneke (eds.): Movers and shakers, Social movements in Africa, Brill Publishers, Leiden, pp.114-171. [10010]
Gbowee, Leymah (2009): Effecting change through women’s activism in Liberia”, in: IDS Bulletin, Volume 40, no. 2. [12176]
Massaquoi, Christiana (1988): Women and cooperatives in Liberia, in: Mayoux, Linda (ed.): All are not equal: African women in cooperatives, Institute for African Alternatives, London, pp.47-48. [10011]
Medie, Peace (2013): Fighting gender-based violence, The women’s movement and the enforcement of rape law in Liberia, in: African Affairs, vol. 112, 448, pp. 377-397. [10012]
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Smith, H. (2022): Mapping Women´s Small-Scale Fisheries Organizations in Malawi: Results from assessing current capacities, gaps and opportunities to strengthen women´s organizations in the sector, FAO, Rome. [11991]
Adams, Alayna / Madhaven, Sangeetha / Simon, Dominique (2002): Women’s social networks and child survival in Mali, in: Social Science and Medicine, vol. 54, pp.165-178. [10013]
De Jorio, Rosa (2001): Women's organizations, the ideology of kinship, and the state in post-independence Mali, in: Stone, Linda (ed.): New directions in anthropological kinship, Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, Maryland. [10014]
Mayoux, Linda (1988): Women-only cooperatives: The case of FEDEV in Mali, in: Mayoux, Linda (ed.): All are not equal: African women in cooperatives, Institute for African Alternatives, London, pp. 49-53. [10015]
Modic, Kate (1994): Negotiating power: A study of Ben Ka Di women’s associations in Bamako, Mali, in: Africa Today, vol. 41, no. 2, pp.25-37. [10016]
Rosander, Eva Evers (eds.) (1997): Transforming female identities, Nordic Africa Institute, Uppsala. [12366]
Sacko Diallo, Velore-Coumba (1991): The effects of modernization processes on women and the counter-strategies implemented by the women's movement in Mali, in: Braunmuhl, Claudia v. (ed.): International Conference, Women in the development process, German Foundation for International Development, Deutsche Stiftung für Entwicklung, Berlin, pp. 92-99. [10017]
Turittin, Jane (1993): Aoua Keita and the Nascent Women’s Movement in the French Soudan, in: African Studies Review, vol. 36, no. 1, pp.59-89. [10018]
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Wischermann, Jörg / Bunk, Bettina et al. (2018): Do associations support authoritarian rule? Evidence from Algeria, Mozambique, and Vietnam, in: Journal of Civil Society, vol. 14, pp. 95-115 [11582]
Becker, Heike (1992): Zwischen Parteipolitik und Autonomie, Erfahrungen der namibischen Frauenbewegung, in: Peripherie, Nr. 47/48, pp.49-73. [10019]
Becker, Heike (1995): Namibian women’s movement 1980-1992, Form anti-colonial resistance to reconciliation, IKO-Verlag, Frankfurt. [10020]
Becker, Heike (2001): „We want women to be given an equal chance“, Post independence rural politics in Northern Namibia, in: Meredeth, Sheila / Pillay, Anu / Turshen, Meredeth (eds.): The aftermath, Women in post-conflict transformation, Zed Books, London, pp.225-242. [10021]
Cooper, Allan (1997): State sponsorship of women’s rights and implications for patriarchism in Namibia, in: Journal of Modern African Studies, vol. 35, no. 3, pp.469-483. [10022]
Gawanas, Bienas (1993): Legal rights of Namibian women and affirmative action: The eradication of gender inequalities, in: Review of African Political Economy, No. 56, pp.116-123. [10023]
Hubbard, Dianne / Solomon, Colette (1995): Many faces of feminism in Namibia, in: Basu, Amita (ed.): Women’s movement in a global perspective, Westview Press, Boulder, pp.163-186. [10024]
Wanzala, Winnie (1994): Welche Rolle können städtische Frauenorganisationen bei der Emanzipation von Frauen in ländlichen Gebieten spielen? Eine theoretische Untersuchung, in: Peripherie, Nr. 54, pp.75-90. [10025]
no entries to this combination of country and topic
Abaraonye, Felicia Ihuoma (1997): Gender relations in Ibibio traditional organisations, in: Dialectical Anthropology, vol. 22, pp.205-222. [10026]
Abdullah, Hussaina (1993): Transitional politics and the challenge of gender in Nigeria, in: Review of African Political Economy, no. 56, pp.27-37. [10027]
Abdullah, Hussaina (1995): Wifeism and activism: the Nigerian women’s movement, in: Basu, Amrita (ed.): Women’s movement in global perspective, Boulder, Westview Press, pp.209-225. [10028]
Abdullah, Hussaina (1997): Multiple identities and multiple organizing strategies of female wage workers in Kano’s manufacturing sector, in: Rosander, Eva Evres (ed.): Tranforming female identities, Women`s organisational forms in West Africa, Publications of the Nordic Africa Institute, Uppsala, pp.54-68. [10029]
Abdullah, Hussaina (2002): Religious revivalism, human rights activism and the struggle for women's rights in Nigeria, in: Na'im, Abd A.A. (ed.): Cultural transformation and human rights in Africa, Zed Books, London, pp. 151-191. [10030]
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Ikelegbe, Augustine (2005): Engendering civil society, Oil, women`s groups and resource conflicts in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria, in: Journal of Modern African Studies, vol. 43, no. 2, pp.241-270. [10035]
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Ladipo, Patricia (1981): Developing women’s cooperatives: An experiment in rural Nigeria, in: Nelson, Nici (ed.): African women in the development process, Routledge Publishers, London, pp.123-136. [10039]
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Lucas, Emma (2001): Social development strategies of a non-governmental grassroots women's organization in Nigeria, in: International Journal of Social Welfare, vol. 10, pp.185-193 [10041]
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Nzegwu, Nkiru (1995): Recovering Igbo traditions: A case for indigenous women’s organizations in development, in: Nussbaum, Martin / Glover, Jonathan (eds.): Women, culture and development, Claredon Press, Oxford, pp.444-465. [10043]
Osinulu, Clara / Mba, Nina (eds.) (1998): Nigerian women in politics, 1986-1993, Malthouse Publishers, Lagos/New York. [10044]
Osirim, Mary (1997): Barriers and opportunities, The role of women`s organisations in Nigerian quest of empowerment, in: Siddiqui, Rukhsana (ed.): Subsaharan Africa in the 1990s, Challenges for democracy and development, Praeger Publishers, Westport, pp.158-174. [10045]
Osirim, Mary (1998): Vehicles for change and empowerment, Urban women’s organizations in Nigeria and Zimbabwe, in: Scandinavian Journal of Development Alternatives and Area Studies, vol. 17, no. 2-3, pp.145-164. [10046]
Owoh, Kenna (2004): Democratic development: Gender insights from the grassroots in Nigeria, in: Canadian Journal of Development Studies, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 293-310. [10047]
Schäfer, Rita (1995): Frauenorganisationen und Entwicklungszusammenarbeit, Traditionelle und moderne Frauenzusammenschlüsse im interethnischen Vergleich, Centaurus Verlag, Pfaffenweiler/Herbholzheim. [10048]
Shawalu, R. (1990): Women’s movement and visions, The Nigerian Labour Congress Women’s Wing, in: Africa Development, vol. 14, no. 3. [10052]
Shebi, Esther (1997): A Nigerian sisterhood in the transformation of female identity, in: Rosander, Eva (ed.): Transforming female identities, Women’s organisational forms in West Africa, Nordic Africa Institute, Uppsala, pp.123-135. [10049]
Shettima, Kole Ahmed (1983): Women’s movement and visions in Africa development, The Nigeria Labour Congress Women’s Wing, in: Oppong, Christine (ed.): Male and female in West Africa, George Allen and Unwin, London. (und in: Africa Development, vol. 14, no. 3, 1989, pp.81-98) [10050]
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Tarfa, Sintiki (1999): Why rural technologies fail to meet the needs of Nigerian women, Evidence from Hausa women’s groups in Kano State, Nigeria, in: Afshar, Haleh (ed.): Women, globalisation and fragmentation in the developing world, St. Martin Press, New York, pp.215-225. [10054]
Trager, Lillian (1991): New women’s organizations in Nigeria, one response to structural adjustment, in: Gladwin, Christine (ed.): Structural adjustment and African women farmers, University of Florida Press, Gainesville, pp.339-358. [10055]
Zdunnek, Gabriele (1987): Marktfrauen in Nigeria, Ökonomie und Politik im Leben der Yoruba-Händlerinnen, Veröffentlichungen aus dem Institut für Afrikakunde, Hamburg. [10056]
Zdunnek, Gabriele (1990): Tendenzen struktureller Veränderungen im informellen Sektor am Beispiel von Frauenarbeitsbereichen in Ibadan (Nigeria), in: Boehm, Ulrich / Kappek, Robert (Hg.): Kleinbetriebe des informellen Sektors und Ausbildung im subsaharischen Afrika, Arbeiten aus dem Institut für Afrika-Kunde, Hamburg, pp.55-68 [10057]
Newbury, Catherine / Baldwin, Hannah (2001): Confronting the aftermath of conflict, Women’s organisations in postgenocide Rwanda, in: Kumar, Krishna (ed.): Women and civil war - Impact, organisations, and action, Lynne Rienner, Boulder, pp.97-128. [10058]
Rosander, Eva Evers (1997): Women in groups in Africa, Female assoicational patterns in Senegal and Morocco, in: Chatty, Cawn / Rabo, Annika (eds.): Organizing women, Formal and informal women’s groups in the Middle East, Berg Publishers, Oxford, pp.101-123. [10059]
Sierra Leone
Bledsoe, Caroline (1984): The political use of Sande ideology an symbolism, in: American Ethnologist, vol. 11, .455-472. [10060]
Bledsoe, Caroline (1990): School girls and school fees among the Mende in Sierra Leone, in: Sanday, P. / Goodenough, R. (eds.): Beyond the second sex, University of Pennesylvania Press, Philadelphia, pp.283-290. [10061]
Bledsoe, Caroline (1995): Marginal members, Children of previous unioins in Mende households in Sierra Leone, in: Grennhalgh, pp. (ed.): Situating fertility, Anthropological and demographic inquiry, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp.130-153. [10062]
Day, Lynda (2008): ‘Bottom power’, Theorizing feminism and the women’s movement in Sierra Leone, 1981-2007, in: African and Asian Studies, vol. 7, pp.491-513. [10064]
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Hoffer, Carol (1975): Bundu, Political implications of female solidarity in a secret society, in: Raphael, D. (ed.): Being female, Reproduction, power and change, Mouton, The Hague, pp.155-173. [10065]
Ketkar, S.L. (1978): Female education and fertility, Some evidence from Sierra Leone, in: Journal of Developing Areas, vol. 13, no. 1, pp.23-33. [10066]
MacCormack, Carol (1979): Sande, The public face of a secret society, in. Jules-Rosette, B. (ed.): New religions of Africa, Norwood, Ablex Publishers. [10067]
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MacCormack, Carol (1997): Health, fertility and birth in Moyamba District, Sierra Leone, in: Harcort, Wendy (ed.) Power, reproduction and gender: Intergenerational transfer of knowledge, Zed Books, London, pp.75-114. [10069]
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Schäfer, Rita (1995): Frauenorganisationen und Entwicklungszusammenarbeit - Traditionelle und moderne afrikanische Frauenzusammenschlüsse im interethnischen Vergleich, Centaurus Verlag, Pfaffenweiler. [10071]
Schäfer, Rita (1997): Geschlechterbeziehungen der Mende, Sierra Leone, am Beispiel der Initiation in den Sande- und Poro-Bund, in: Völger, Gisela (Hg.): Frauenmacht und Männerherrschaft - Geschlechterbeziehungen im Kulturvergleich, Materialienbände zur Ausstellung „Frauenmacht und Männerherrschaft“ des Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museums für Völkerkunde, Köln. [10072]
Steady, Filomina Chioma (1978): Protestant women's associations in Freetown, Sierra Leone, in: HAFKIN, Nancy J., BAY, Edna G. (Hg.): Women in Africa, Studies in social and ecnomic change, Stanford, Cal: Stanford University Press, pp. 213-238. [10075]
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Dualah, Raqiya Haji et al. (1983): Women's movements, organisations and strategies in a historical perspective: Somalia case study, ISS Research Project, The Hague. [10077]
Tripp A.M. (2016): Women’s movements and constitution making after civil unrest and conflict in Africa: The cases of Kenya and Somalia’, in: Politics and Gender, vol. 12, pp. 78–106. [12242]
South Africa
Bahre, Erik (2007): Money and violence, Financial self-help groups in a South African township, Brill Publishers, Leiden. [10078]
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Bertelsmann, Rhoda (1987): International feminism and the women's movement in South Africa, in: South Africa Outlook, vol. 117, pp. 62-66. [10080]
Braam, Tamara / Webster, Naomi (2000): Mainstreaming violence against women, Tshwaranang’s organisational strategy into the new century, in: Siren News, vol. 8, no. 1, pp.5-42. [10081]
Britton, Hannah (2006): Organising against gender violence in South Africa, in: Journal of Southern African Studies, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 145-163. [10082]
Britton, Hannah (2020): Ending gender-based violence, Justice and community in South Africa, University of Ilinois, Urbana/Illinois. [10083]
Britton, Hannah / Fish, Jennifer / Meintjes, Sheila (eds.) (2009): Women’s activism in South Africa, Working across divides, University of Kwa Zulu Natal Press, Scottsville. [10084]
Cock, Jacklyn (1997): Women in South Africa’s transition to democracy, in: Scott, Joan / Kaplan, Cora / Kentes, Debra (eds.): Transition, environments, translations – Feminisms in international politics, Routledge, London, pp.310-333. [10085]
Dick, Archie L. (2004): Building a nation of readers? Women's organizations and the politics of reading in South Africa, 1900-1914, in: Historia, vol. 49, no. 2, pp. 23-44. [10086]
Edwards, Rita (1997): New Women’s Movement, Pap and bread is not enough, in: Agenda, no. 33, pp.33-35. [10087]
Fester, Gertrude (1997): Women’s organisations in the Western Cape, Vehicles for gender struggle or instruments of subordination? in: Agenda, no. 34, pp.45-61. [10088]
Fester, Gertrude (1998): Closing the gap, Activism and academia in South Africa, Towards a woman’s movement, in: Nnaemeka, Obioma (ed.): Sisterhood, feminism, and power, Africa World Press, Trenton, pp.215-237. [10089]
Fester, Gertrude (2000): Women writing for their rights, in: Agenda, no. 46, pp.42-47. [10090]
Fester, Gertrude (2000): Despite diversity, Women’s unity in the Western Cape, in: Ali, Suki / Coates, Kelly / Goro, wa Wangui (eds.): Anthias, F. / Yuval-Davies, N. (eds.): Women-Nation-State, MacMillan, Houndsmills, Basingstoke, pp.58-79. [10091]
Fester, Gertrude (2005): Merely mothers perpetuating patriarchy? Women’s grassroots organizations in the Western Cape 1980-1990, in: Gouws, Amanda (ed.): (Un)thinking citizenship, Feminist debates in contemporary South Africa, Ashgate Publishing, Aldershot, pp.199-219. [10092]
Gaitskell, Deborah (1997): Power in prayer and service, Women’s christian organisations, in: Elphick, Richard / Davenport, Rodney (eds.): Christianity in South Africa, A political, social and cultural history, University of California Press, Berkeley, pp.253-267. [10093]
Gerloff, Roswitha (2003): Mission and empowerment in the Women’s Manyano movement of Southern Africa, in: Gerloff, Roswith (ed.): Mission is crossing frontiers, Clusters Publications, Pietermaritzburg, pp.117-134. [10094]
Gouws, Amanda (2008): Changing women’s exclusion from politics, Examples from Southern Africa, in: African and Asian Studies, vol. 7, pp.537-563. [10095]
Haddad, Beverly (2004): The manyano movement in South Africa, Site of struggle, survival and resistance, in: Agenda, no. 61, pp.4-13. [10096]
Hassim, Shireen (2002): ‘A conspiracy of women’, The women's movement in South Africa's transition to democracy, in Social Research, vol. 69, no. 3, pp.693-732. [10097]
Hassim, Shireen (2003): The limits of popular democracy, Women’s organisations, feminism and the UDF, in: Transformation, vol. 51, pp.48-73. [10098]
Hassim, Shireen (2006): Women’s organisations and democracy in South Africa, Contesting authority, KwaZulu Natal Press, Durban. [10099]
Hassim, Shireen / Gouws, Amanda (1998): Redefining the public space: Women’s organisations, gender consciousness and civil society in South Africa, in: Politikon, no. 25/2, pp.53-76. [10100]
Hassim, Shireen / Walker, Cherryl (1993): Women’s studies and the women’s movement in South Africa, Defining a relationship, in: Women’s Studies International Forum, vol. 16, no. 5, pp.523-534. [10101]
Higgs, Catherine (2004): Zenzele, African women’s self-help organizations in South Africa, 1927-1998, in: African Studies Review, vol. 47, no. 3, pp.119-141. [10102]
Holland-Muter, Susan (1995): Opening Pandora’s box: Reflections on ‘whiteness’ in the South African’s women’s movement, in: Agenda, no. 25, pp.55-62. [10103]
Kadalie, Ruth (1986): Class and the women’s movement in South Africa: The case of the United Women’s Organisation in: LOVA-Nieuwsbrief, vol. 7, no. 3, pp.6-40. [10104]
Kemp, Amanda / Madlala, Noziwe / Moodley, Asha / Salo, Elaine (1995): The dawn of a new day: Redefining South African feminism, in: Basu, Amrita (ed.): Women’s movements in global perspectives, Westview Press, Boulder, pp.131-162. [10105]
Lawrence, Merlyn (1989): Development of the battered women’s movement in South Africa, in: Response to the Victimization of Women and Children, vol. 12, no. 2, pp.15-18. [10106]
Lemon, Jennifer (2000): Is there a women’s movement in South Africa, in: Siren News, vol. 8, no. 1, pp.66-80. [10107]
Mabandla, Brigitte (1993): Changes in South Africa, Advances for women?, in: Kerr, Joanna (ed.): Ours by right, Women’s rights as human rights, Zed Books, London, pp.19-26. [10108]
Madlala-Routledge, Nozizwe (1997): What price for freedom, Testimony and the Natal Organisation of Women, in: Agenda, no. 34, pp.62-70. [10109]
Meintjes, Sheila (2000): Civil society and the state: The changing nature of women’s organisations in the 1990s, in: Taylor, Viviene / Mager, Ann / Cardoso, Paula (eds.): Critical African perspectives on women and governance, SADEP Publications, Cape Town, pp.38-55. [10110]
Okech, Awino (2009): Feminist digital counterpublics: Challenging femicide in Kenya and South Africa, in: Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 46, 4, pp. 1013-1030. [12220]
Okech, Awino (2007): A case study of GROOTS Kenya, in: AWID: Changing their World: Concepts and practices of women´s movement. AWID - Association for Women´s Rights in Development. [12221]
Salo, Elaine (2005): Multiple targets, mixing strategies, Complicating feminist analysis of contemporary South African women’s movement, in: Feminist Africa, issue 4, pp.64-71. [10111]
Schäfer, Rita (2001): Frauen-Rechtsorganisationen in Südafrika, Ansätze und Grenzen gesellschaftlicher Transformationsprozesse, in: Afrika Spectrum, Nr. 36, 2, pp.203-222. [10113]
Schäfer, Rita (2003): Geschlechtergleichheit versus Gewalt gegen Frauen in Südafrika – Verfassungsgrundlagen, Erbe der Apartheid und Rechtsrealität, in: Recht in Afrika, 1, pp.53-67. [10114]
Schäfer, Rita (2008): Im Schatten der Apartheid, Frauen-Rechtsorganisationen und geschlechtsspezifische Gewalt in Südafrika, 2. aktualisierte Auflage, Lit-Verlag, Münster. [10115]
Scully, Pamela (2000): White maternity and black infancy, The rhetoric of race in the South African women’s movement, 1895-1930, in: Fletcher, Ian Christopher / Nym, Laura Mayhall / Levine, Philippa (eds.): Women’s suffrage in the British Empire, Citizenship, nation and race, Routledge Publishers, London, pp. 68-84. [10116]
Segel, Tracy / Labe, Dana (1990): Family violence: Wife abuse, in: McKendrick, Brian / Hoffmann, Wilma (eds.): People and violence in South Africa, Oxford University Press, Cape Town, pp.251-287. [10112]
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Williams, Suzanne (1991): From „mothers of the nation“ to women in their own right: South African women in the transition to democracy, in: Wallace, Tina / March, Candida (eds): Changing perceptions - Writings on gender and development, Oxfam Publications, Oxford, pp.118-131. [10118]
South Sudan
Edward, Jane Kani (2019): Reconfiguring the South Sudanese Women’s Movement, in: Hawwa 17, 1, pp. 55-84. [12071]
Ahmed Ibrahim, Fatima (2002): War in empty rooms and the Sudanese Women’s Union, in: Braig, Marianne / Wölte, Sonja (eds.): Common grounds or mutual exclusion? Women’s movements and international relations, Zed Books, London, pp.1136-144. [10119]
El Bakri, Zeinab B. (1995): The crisis in the Sudanese women's movement, in: Wieringa, Saskia (ed.): Subversive women: Women's movements in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, Zed Books, London, pp.199-212. [10120]
El Sanousi, Magda / El Amin, Afisa (1994): The women’s movement, displaced women, and rural women in Sudan, in: Nelson, Barbara / Chowdhury, Najma (eds.): Women in politics worldwide, Yale University Press, New Haven / London, pp.675-689. [10121]
Gruenbaum, Ellen (1982): The movement against clitoridectomy and infibulation in Sudan, Public health policy and women’s movement, in: Brettel, Caroline / Sargent, Carolyn (ed.): Gender in cross-cultural perspective, Prentice Hall Publishers, Eaglewood Cliffs, pp.411-423. (u. in: Medical Anthropology Newsletter 13, 2, 1982, pp.4-12. [10122]
Gruenbaum, Ellen (1991): The Islamic movement, development and health education: Recent changes in the health of rural women in central Sudan, in: Social Science and Medicine, vol. 33, no. 6, pp.637-645. [10123]
Gruenbaum, Ellen (1993): The movement against clitoridectomy and infibulation in Sudan: Public health policy and the women's movement, in: Brettel, Caroline / Sargent, Carolyn F. (eds.): Gender in cross-cultural perspective, Prentice Hall Publishers, Eaglewood Cliffs, pp.411-423. [10124]
Hale, Sondra (2005): Activating the gender local: Transnational ideologies and "Women´s Culture" in Northern Sudan, in: Journal of Middle East Women´s Studies, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 29-52. [12042]
Halim Asma Mohamed Abdel (2009): Women´s organisations seeking gender justice in the Sudan 1964-1985, in: Review of African Political Economy, vol. 36, no. 121, pp. 389-407. [12084]
Hilhorst, Dorothea / van Leeuwen, Mathijs (2005): Global peace builders and local conflict, The feminization of peace in Southern Sudan, in: Davids, Tine / van Driel, Francien (eds.): The gender question in globalization, Challenging perspectives and practices, Ashgate Publishing, Aldershot, pp.93-120. [10125]
Hilhorst, Dorothea / van Leeuwen, Mathijs (2005): Grounding local peace organisations, A case study of Southern Sudan, in: Journal of Modern African Studies, vol. 43, no. 4, pp.537-563. [10126]
Ibrahim, Fatima Ahmed (2002): War in empty rooms and the Sudanese Women’s Union, in: Braig, Marianne / Wölte, Sonja (eds.): Common grounds or mutual exclusion? Women`s movements and international relations, Zed Books, London, pp.1136-144. [10127]
Ismail, Ellen (1993): Frauenbewegung und Islam im Sudan, in: Wuquf, vol. 87-8, pp.523-534. [10128]
Khalid, Tomadur Ahmed (1995): The state and the Sudanese Women’s Union, 1971-1983, A case study, in: Wieringa, Saskia (ed.): Subversive women, Women’s movements in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Carribean, Kali for Women, New Delhi, pp.183-211. [10129]
Klein-Hesseling, Ruth (1998): Muslimische Frauenorganisationen und internationale Frauenpolitik, Working Paper, no. 296, Forschungsschwerpunkt Entwicklungssoziologie, Universität Bielefeld, Bielefeld. [10130]
Klein-Hesseling, Ruth (2001): Muslimische Frauenorganisationen und Geschlechterpolitiken im Nord-Sudan, in: Horstmann , Alexander / Schlee, Günther (Hg.): Integration durch Verschiedenheit, Transcript Verlag, Bielefeld, pp.183-206. [10131]
Swaziland / Eswatini
no entries to this combination of country and topic
Geiger, Susan (1982): Umoja Wa Wanawake Wa Tanzania and the needs of the rural poor, in: African Studies Review, vol. 25, no. 2/3, pp.45-56. [10132]
Geiger, Susan (1998): TANU women: Gender, culture and the making of Tanganyika nationalism, Heinemann Publishers, Oxford. [10133]
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Sirowy, Elke (1984): Frauenarbeit, Dienst am Herrn und für die Herren? oder Befreiung auch für Frauen? Kirchliche und staatliche Frauenorganisationen in Tanzania, in: Berninghausen, Jutta / Kerstan, Birgit (Hg.): Die unsichtbare Stärke, Frauenarbeit in der Dritten Welt, Entwicklungsprojekte und Selbsthilfe, Breitenbach Verlag, Saarbrücken, pp.185-202. [10136]
Tripp, Alili Mari (1996): Urban women's movements and political liberalization in East Africa, in: Sheldon, Kathleen (ed.): Courtyards, markets, city streets, Urban women in Africa, Westview Press, Boulder, pp.285-308. [10137]
Tripp, Alili Mari (1998): Gender, political participation, and the transformation of associational life in Uganda and Tanzania, in: Lewis, Peter (ed.): Africa, Dilemmas of development and change, Westview Press, Boulder, pp.232-257. (and published in: African Studies Review, vol. 37, no. 1, 1994, pp.107-132) [10138]
The Congo
no entries to this combination of country and topic
no entries to this combination of country and topic
Franz, Andrea (2004): Wie konfliktfähig sind Frauenorganisationen, Zivilgesellschaft und Entwicklungspolitik in Uganda, in: Femina Politica, 2, pp.50-64. [10139]
Goetz, Anne Marie (2003): Problems with patronage, Constraints on women’s political effectiveness in Uganda, in: Goetz, Anne Marie / Hassim, Shireen (eds.): No shortcuts to power, African women in politics and policy making, Zed Books, London, pp.110-139. [10140]
Kasete, Deborah (1998): The gap between gender research and activism in Uganda, in: Nnaemeka, Obioma (ed.): Sisterhood, feminisms and power, Africa World Press, Trenton, pp.184-191. [10141]
Kweseyiga, Joy (2003): The women’s movement in Uganda revisited, Will the twenty-first century create a different stand, in: Uganda Journal, vol. 49, pp.20-40. [10142]
Mbire-Barungi, Barbara (1999): Uganda feminism, Political rhetoric or reality, in: Women’s Studies International Forum, vol. 22, no. 4, pp.434-430. [10143]
Pickering, Helen et al. (1996): Women’s groups and individual entrepreneurs: A Ugandan case study, in: Gender and Development, Focus on Gender, vol. 4, no. 3, pp.54-60. [10144]
Tadria, H.M (1973): Uganda women’s organizations: Their contributions towards raising Uganda’s standard of living, in: Afrika Spektrum, 2, pp.217-226. [10146]
Tamale, Sylvia (2009): Law, sexuality, and politics in Uganda, Challenges for women’s human rights NGOs, in: Mutua, Makau (ed.): Human rights NGOs in East Africa, Political and normative tensions, Pennsylvania University Press, Pennsylvania, pp. 51-74.. [10145]
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