Literature Database on Gender in Subsahara Africa

Literature regarding Burkina Faso

agriculture ecology rural development climate changearts and cultureeconomy - formal and informal employment
economy - Householdseconomy - markets and traderseconomy - pastoralism
education schooling and tertiary educationhealth - fgc fgmhealth - HIV AIDS and gender
health - reproduction and fertilityhealth history colonialism and pre-colonial history
Literature media politics - wars violent conflicts
politics Religion - Christianity Religion - Islam
Religion - traditional rituals and spirit mediumshipRights - human rights violations gender based violence Rights - Women Human Rights and legal system
society - families marriagessociety - homosexuality / sexual minorities society - masculinities
society - migration and urbanisationsociety - women's organisations

agriculture ecology rural development climate change

Behrends, Andrea (1997): Konstruktion von Weiblichkeit. Eine vergleichende Studie städtischer und ländlicher Dagara-Frauen in Ghana und Burkina Faso, in: Triebel, Armin (Hg.): Die Pragmatik des Gesellschaftsvergleichs, Leipziger Universitätsverlag, Leipzig, pp.69-82.[183]

Cheyns, E. (2004): Qualification of small-scale food products on the market: Towards civic resources? How women's producer groups have adapted to urban demand in Burkina Faso, in: Economies et Societes, vol. 38, no. 3, pp. 591-612.[184]

Compaore, Viviane Yolande (1991): Strategies and programmes for the promotion of women in the agricultural sector in Burkina Faso, in: Braunmühl, Claudia (ed.): International conference, Women in the cevelopment process, German Foundation for International Development, Berlin, pp. 45-55.[185]

Conti, Ana (1979): Capitalist organisation of production through non-capitalist relations: Women's role in a pilot resettlement in Upper Volta, in: Review of African Political Ecomnomy, vol. 15/16, pp. 75-92.[186]

Dankelman, Irene / Davison, Joan (1988): The women’s dam, Burkina Faso, in: Dankelman, Irene / Davison, Joan (eds.): Women and the environment in the Third World, Earthscan Publishers, London, pp.35-37.[187]

David, Rosalind / Yabré, Pauline / Traoré, Colette (1993): „Shouldering the workload, restricted in taking initiatives“, Effects of male out-migration on women’s management of the natural resource base in Passoré (Burkina Faso), in: Grawert, Elke (Hg.): Wandern oder bleiben?: Veränderungen der Lebens- und Arbeitsbedingungen von Frauen im Sahel durch die Arbeitsmigration der Männer, Lit-Verlag, Münster, pp.157-190. (and in: David, Rosalind (eds.): Changing places? Women, resource management and migration in the Sahel, SOS Sahel Publications, London, 1995, pp.55-87.)[188]

Elias, Marlene / Carney, Judith (2005): Shea Butter, globalization, and women of Burkina Faso, in: Nelson, Lise / Seager, Joni (eds.): A companion to feminist geography, Blackwell Publishers, Malden.[189]

Evenson, Robert E. / Siegel, Michele (1999): Gender and agricultural extension in Burkina Faso, in: Africa Today, vol. 46, no. 1, pp. 75-92.[190]

Haddad, Lawrence / Reardon, Thomas (1993): Gender bias in the allocation of resources within households in Burkina Faso, A disaggregated outlay equivalent analysis, in: Journal of Development Studies, vol. 29, no. 2, pp.260-276.[191]

Hemmings-Gapihan, Grace (1982): International development and the evolution of women's economic roles: A case study from Northern Gulma, Upper Volta, in: Bay, Edna G. (ed.): Women and work in Africa, Westview Press, Boulder S.171-189.[192]

Henderson, Helen (1986): The grassroot women committee as a development strategy in an Upper Volta village, in: Creevey, Lucy (ed.): Rural development in Mali and the Sahel, Syracuse University Press, Syracuse, pp.133-151.[193]

Heuler-Neuhaus, Werner (1994): „Mit den Frauen verliert auch die dörfliche Gemeinschaft die Initiative“, Gesellschaftliche und ökologische Auswirkungen von Emigration in der Provinz Yatenga (Burkina Faso), in: Grawert, Elke (Hg.): Wandern oder bleiben?: Veränderungen der Lebens- und Arbeitsbedingungen von Frauen im Sahel durch die Arbeitsmigration der Männer, Lit-Verlag, Münster, pp.133-156.[194]

Hoven, Ingrid-Gabriela (1983): Traditionelles Handwerk als Überlebenssicherung? - Hirsebrauerinnen in ländlichen Regionen Obervoltas, in: Berninghausen, Jutta / Kerstan, Birgit (Hg.): Die unsichtbare Stärke, Frauenarbeit in der Dritten Welt, Entwicklungsprojekte und Selbsthilfe, Breitenbach Verlag, Saarbrücken, pp.89-103. [195]

Kane, Racine / Lo, Henri M (1999): The ZabrT Women Agro-Ecological Project, Burkina Faso: A Success story in desertification/land degradation control, in: Desertification Control Bulletin, vol.34, pp. 73-78.[196]

Kevane, Michael (2000): Extrahousehold norms and intrahousehold bargaining, Gender in Sudan and Burkina Faso, in: Spring, Anita (ed.): Small scale farmers and commercial ventures, Increasing food security in developing countries, Lynne Rienner Publishers, Boulder, pp. 89-112.[197]

Kevane, Michael / Gray, Leslie (1999): ‘A women’s field is made at night’, Gendered land rights and norms in Burkina Faso, in: Feminist Economics, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 1-27.[198]

Kompaore, Scholastique (1989): Women as managers of village water resources, in: Natural Resource Forum, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 319-321.[199]

Lawrence, Pareena G. / Sanders, John H. / Ramaswamy, Sunder (1999): The impact of agricultural and household technologies on women: A conceptual and quantitative analysis in Burkina Faso, in: Agricultural Economics, vol. 20, pp. 203-214. [200]

Nagy, Joseph G. / Ohm, Herbert W. / Sawadogo, Sibiri (1989): Burkina Faso: A case study of the Purdue University Farming Systems Project, in: Feldstein, Hilary S. / Poats, Susan V. (eds.): Working together: Gender analysis in agriculture, vol. 1: Case studies, Kumarian Press, West Hartford, pp.75-108.[201]

Ouedraogo, Amadou (2002): Gender needs in rural transport, Tuya, Yatenga Province, Burkina Faso, in: Fernanado, Priyanthi / Porter, Gina (eds.): Balancing the load, Women, gender and rural transport, Zed Books, London, pp.119-127.[202]

Poetzscher, Gabriele (1995): Sammelwirtschaft von Frauen im Süd-Sahel, Burkina Faso, in: Kahl, Mario / Klughardt, Doris / Ohe, Sven v.d. (Hrsg.): Seeing the people behind the trees, Studien zu Waldnutzung, Ressourcenmanagement und Naturschutz in Asien, Afrika und Zentralamerika, Breitenbach Verlag, Saarbrücken, pp.119-136.[203]

Ram, R. / Singh, R.D. (1988): Farm households in Burkina Faso, Some evidence on allocative and direct returns to schooling, and male-female labour productivity differentials, in: World Development, 16, 3, pp.419-424.[204]

Reardon, Thomas / Malton, Peter / Delgado, Christopher (1988): Coping with household-level food insecurity in drought-affected areas of Burkina Faso, in: World Development, vol. 16, no. 9, pp.1065-1074.[205]

Reardon, Thomas / Malton, Peter / Delgado, Christopher (1992): Determinants and effects of income diversification amongst farm households in Burkina Faso, in: Journal of Development Studies, vol. 28, no. 2, pp.264-296.[206]

Rodet, Marie (2007): Burkina Faso, Gender und Landrechte, Gender Box, VIDC, Wien.[207]

Rohatynskyi, Marta (1988): Women’s virtue and the structure of Mossi Zaka, in: Canadian Journal of African Studies, vol. 22, no. 3, pp.528-551.[208]

Rohatynskyi, Marta (1993): The personhood of women and community development in a Burkinabe Village, in: Anthopologica, vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 3-22.[209]

Ruppert, Uta (1995): Gegenwarten verbinden, Frauenarbeit und Frauenpolitik in Burkina Faso, Lit-Verlag, Hamburg.[210]

Sauerborn, Rainer / Berman, P. / Nougtara, A. (1996): Age bias, but no gender bias in the intra-household resource allocation for health care in rural Burkina Faso, in: Health Transition Review, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 131-146.[211]

Saul, Mahir (1981): Beer, sorghum and women: Production for the market in rural Upper Volta, in: Africa, vol. 51, no. 3, pp.746-764.[212]

Saul, Mahir (1989): Separateness and relation: Autonomous income and negotiation among rural Bobo women, in: Wilk, Richard (ed.): The household economy: Reconsidering the domestic mode of production, Westview Press, Boulder, pp.171-193.[213]

Saul, Mahir (1992): Matrilineal inheritance and post-colonial prosperity in Southern Bobo country, in: Man, vol. 27, no. 2, pp.341-362.[214]

Sawadogo, Jean-Pierre / Stamm, Volker (2000): Local perceptions of indigenous land tenure systems: Views of peasants, women and dignitaries in a rural province of Burkina Faso, in: Journal of Modern African Studies, vol. 38, no. 2, pp. 279-294.[215]

Singh, Ram / Morey, Mathew (1987): The value of work-at-home and contributions of wives household service in polygynous families, Evidence from an African LDC, Burkina Faso, in: Economic Development and Cultural Change, 4, pp.743-765.[216]

Standler, Karin (2000): Wie tief muss der Brunnen noch werden? Gartenprojekte in Burkina Faso auf Kosten von Frauen und Umwelt, in: Meyer-Renschhausen, Elisabeth / Holl, Anne (Hrsg.): Die Wiederkehr der Gärten, Kleinlandwirtschaft im Zeitalter der Globalisierung, Studien Verlag, Innsbruck, pp.85-103.[217]

Steinbrich, Sabine (1987): Frauen der Lyela, Die wirtschaftliche und soziale Lage der Frauen von Sanje (Burkina Faso), Klaus Renner Verlag, Hohenschäflarn.[218]

Thorsen, Dorte (2002): ‚We help our husbands!’ Negotiating the household budget in rural Burkina Faso, in: Development and Change, vol. 33, pp.129-146.[219]

Thorsen, Dorte / Reenberg, Anette (2000): Marginal producers of breadwinners, Women’s coping strategies and access to acgricultural key resources in Boulgou Province, Burkina Faso, in: Danish Journal of Geography, vol. 100, pp.47-59.[220]

Van Koppen, Barbara (2000): Gendered water and land rights in Rice Valley improvement, Burkina Faso, in: Bruns, Bryan R. / Meinzen-Dick, Ruth S. (eds.): Negotiating water rights, ITDG Publishing, London, pp. 83-111.[221]

Waibel, Gabi (1991): Frauen in Burkina Faso, Lebensverhältnisse, Handlungsperspektiven und Organisationsformen, Breitenbach Verlag, Saarbrücken.[222]

Zuidberg, Lida (1994): Burkina Faso, Integrated rural development: For whom and with whom? in: Gianotten, Vera / Groverman, Verona et al. (eds.): Assessing the gender impact of development projects, IT-Publications, London, pp.49-70.[223]

Zwarteveen, Margret (1996): A plot of one’s own, Gender relations and irrigated land allocation policies in Burkina Faso, CGIAR, Washington D.C.[224]

arts and culture

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economy - formal and informal employment

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economy - Households

Haddad, Lawrence / Reardon, Thomas (1993): Gender bias in the allocation of resources within households in Burkina Faso, A disaggregated outlay equivalent analysis, in: Journal of Development Studies, 29, 2, pp. 260-276.[1918]

Kevane, Michael (2000): Extrahousehold norms and intrahousehold bargaining, Gender in Sudan and Burkina Faso, in: Spring, Anita (ed.): Small scale farmers and commercial ventures, Increasing food security in developing countries, Lynne Rienner Publishers, Boulder, pp. 89-112.[1919]

economy - markets and traders

Freidberg, Susanne (1996): Tradewomen and businesswomen, The social relations of contract gardening in Southwestern Burkina Faso, in: African Rural and Urban Studies, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 137-176.[2104]

economy - pastoralism

Buhl, Solveig / Homewood, Katherine (2000): Milk selling among Fulani women in Northern Burkina Faso, in: Hodgson, Dorothy (ed.): Rethinking pastoralism in Africa, Gender, culture and the myth of the patriarchal pastoralist, James Currey, Oxford, pp. 207-226.[2316]

education schooling and tertiary education

Görgen, Regina / Maier, Birga / Diesfeld, Hans Jochen (1993): Problems related to schoolgirl pregnancies in Burkina Faso, in: Studies in Family Planning, vol. 24, no. 5, pp. 283-294.[2568]

McSweeney, Brenda Gael / Freedman, Marion (1980): Lack of time as an obstacle to women’s education: The case of Upper Volta, in: Comparative Education Review, 24, pp. 124-139. und in: Brown, G.N. / Hiskettt, M. (eds.): Conflict and harmony in Tropical Africa, London, George Allen and Unwin, 1982, pp. 88-103.[2569]

health - fgc fgm

Bouédibéla-Amangoua, Regine / Hütt, Anette (1999): Die Kampagne gegen Genitalverstümmelung in Burkina Faso, in: Schnüll, Petra / Terre des Femmes (Hrsg.): Weibliche Genitalverstümmelung, eine fundamentale Menschenrechtsverletzung, Terre des Femmes, Tübingen, pp. 152-159.[3108]

Damien, Ini / Krämer, Paul (1999): Can female excision be transformed into a symbolic rite? The experience of Lobi women in Burkina Faso, in: Entwicklungsethnologie, Heft 1, 8. Jg., pp. 12-23.[3109]

Dehne, K.L. / Wacker, J. / Nadembega, J. / Ira, R. (1997): Female genital mutilation in the North of Burkina Faso, in: Curare, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 221-242.[3110]

Jones, Heidi / Diop, Nafissatou / Askew, Ian (1999): Female genital cutting practices in Burkina Faso and Mali and their negative health outcomes, in: Studies in Family Planning, vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 219-239.[3111]

Krämer, Paul / Damien, Ini (1999): Can female excision be transformed into a symbolic rite? The experiences of Lobi women in Burkina Faso, in: Entwicklungsethnologie, 8, 1, pp. 12-23.[3112]

Lallemand, Suzanne (1986): Entre excision et accouchement, Les sacrifications des filles Mossi du Burkina Faso, in: Archiv für Völkerkunde, 40, pp. 63-74.[3113]

health - HIV AIDS and gender

Babalola, S. / Vonrasek, C. (2005): Communication, ideation and contraceptive use in Burkina Faso: An application of the propensity score matching method, in: Journal of Family Planning and Reproductive Health, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 207-212.[3440]

Cartoux, Michel / Msellati, Philippe et al. (1998): Attitude of pregnant women towards HIV testing in Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire and Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso, in: AIDS, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 2337-2344.[3441]

Catraye, J. / Compaore, I.P. et al. (1998): Prevalence and risk of HIV infection among female sex workers in Burkina Faso, in: International Journal of STD and AIDS, vol. 9, pp. 146-150.[3442]

Garenne, Michel / Sauerborn, Rainer et al. (1997): Direct and indirect estimates of maternal mortality in rural Burkina Faso, in: Studies in Family Planning, vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 54-61[3443]

Issiaka, Sombie / Cartoux, Michel et al. (2001): Women living with HIV, Women's experience in Burkina Faso, West Africa, in: AIDS Care, vol. 13, pp. 123-128.[3444]

Marshall, Mandy / Taylor, Nigel (2006): Tackling HIV and AIDS with faith-based communities, Learning from attitudes on gender relations and sexual rights within evangelical churches in Burkina Faso, Zimbabwe, and South Africa, in: Gender and Development, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 363-374.[3445]

Nagot, Nicolas / Ouedraogo, Abdoulaye O. et al. (2005): Is sexually transmitted infection management among sex workers still able to mitigate the spread of HIV infection in West Africa? in: Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, vol. 39, pp. 454-458.[3446]

Nebie, Y. / Meda, Nicolas et al. (2001): Sexual and reproductive life of women informed of their HIV seropositivity: A prospective cohort study in Burkina Faso, in: Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, vol. 28, pp. 367-372.[3447]

Oestergaard, Lise Rosendal Samuelsen H. (2004): Muted voices: HIV/AIDS and the young people of Burkina Faso and Senegal, in: African Journal of AIDS Research, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 103-112.[3448]

health - reproduction and fertility

Babalola, S. / Vonrasek, C. (2005): Communication, ideation and contraceptive use in Burkina Faso: An application of the propensity score matching method, in: Journal of Family Planning and Reproductive Health, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 207-212.[4324]

Dehne, Karl L. (1999): Abortion in the north of Burkina Faso, in: African Journal of Reproductive Health, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 40-50.[4325]

Dehne, Karl L. (2003): Knowledge of, attitudes towards, and practices relating to child-spacing methods in northern Burkina Faso, in: Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 55-66.[4326]

Görgen, Regina / Maier, Birga / Diesfeld, Hans Jochen (1993): Problems related to schoolgirl pregnancies in Burkina Faso, in: Studies in Family Planning, vol. 24, no. 5, pp. 283-294.[4327]

Le Grand, Thomas / Mbacké, Cheikh (1993): Teenage pregnancy and child health in the urban Sahel, in: Studies in Family Planning, vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 137-149. (Burkina Faso and Mali)[4328]

Longue, Siaka et al. (2015): Women forgotten after childbirth, Evidence from comparative analysis of maternal mortality before and after delivery in Burkina Faso, in: Journal of Asian and African Studies, vol. 50, no. 5, pp. 520-532.[4329]

Trussell, James / Van de Walle, Etienne / Van de Walle, Francine (1989): Norms and behavior in Burkinabe fertility, in: Population Studies, vol. 43, no.3, pp. 429-454.[4330]

Van de Walle, Francine / Ouaidou, N. (1985): Status and fertility among urban women of Burkina Faso, in: International Family Planning Perspectives, vol. 11, pp. 60-64.[4331]

Van de Walle, Francine / Traore, Baba (1986): Attitudes of women and men towards contraception in Bobo-Dioulasso, African Demography Working Paper 13, Population Studies Center, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.[4332]

Van de Walle, Francine / Van de Walle, Etienne (1993): Urban women's autonomy and natural fertility in the Sahel Region of Africa, in: Federici, Nora / Mason, Karen O. / Sogner, Solvi (eds.): Women's position and demographic Change, in: Clarendon Press, Oxford, pp. 61-79.[4333]


Dong, H. / Kouyate, B. et al. (2003): Gender's effect on willingness-to-pay for community-based insurance in Burkina Faso, in: Health Policy, vol. 64, pp. 153-162.[5015]

Sauerborn, Rainer / Berman, P. / Nougtara, A. (1996): Age bias, but no gender bias in the intra-household resource allocation for health care in rural Burkina Faso, in: Health Transition Review, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 131-146.[5016]

Wollast, E. (2001): Detecting maternal morbidity and mortality by traditional birth attendants in Burkina Faso, in: Health Policy and Planning, vol. 8, pp. 161-168[5017]

history colonialism and pre-colonial history

no entries to this combination of country and topic


Scott, Joyyce Hope (1997): Daughters of Yennenga, ‘Le Mal de peau’ and feminine voice in the literature of Burkina Faso, in: Women Studies Quarterly, vol. 25, no. 3-4, pp. 83-96.[5797]


no entries to this combination of country and topic

politics - wars violent conflicts

Labaume, Cendrine (2020): Survivors and Heroines, Women in the Crisis in Burkina Faso, Oxfam, Oxford.[11892]


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Religion - Christianity

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Religion - Islam

Madone, F. / Gomez-Perez, Muriel (2016): Muslim women in Burkina Faso since the 1970s, Towards recognition as figures of religious authority? Islamic Africa, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 185-209.[7808]

Quimby, Lucy (1986): Islam, sex roles and modernization in Bobo-Dioulasso, in: Jules-Rosette, Benneta (ed.): The new religions of Africa, Ablex Publishing Corporation, Noorwood, pp. 203-218.[7809]

Religion - traditional rituals and spirit mediumship

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Rights - human rights violations gender based violence

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Rights - Women Human Rights and legal system

Boyd, Lydia / Burrill, Emily (eds.) (2020): Legislating gender and sexuality in Africa, Human rights, society, and the state, University of Wisconsin Press, Madison.[10943]

Saul, Mahir (1992): Matrilineal inheritance and post-colonial prosperity in Southern Bobo country, in: Man, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 341-362.[10944]

Steinbrich, Sabine (1990): The social and legal position of Lyela women (Burkina Faso), in: Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law, no. 30-31, pp. 139-164.[10945]

society - families marriages

Büchi, Silvia (1997): Geschlecht und Macht bei den Lobi in Burkina Faso, in: Sottas, Beat / Hammer, Thomas / Roost Vischer, Lilo (eds.): Werkschau Afrikastudien, Bd. 11, Lit-Verlag, Münster, pp. 185-197.[8598]

Mason, Kathryn (1988): Co-wife relationships can be amicable as well as conflictual: The case of Mosse of Burkina Faso, in: Canadian Journal of African Studies, vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 615-624.[8599]

Roost Vischer, Lilo (1997): Mütter zwischen Herd und Markt, Das Verhältnis von Mutterschaft, sozialer Elternschaft und Frauenarbeit bei den Mosse (Mossi) in Ouagadougou/Burkina Faso, Basel.[8600]

Roost Vischer, Lilo (1997): Mütter und Vaterschwestern, Matrifokale Aspekte der patrilinearen Gesellschaft der Mosse (Burkina Faso), in: Sottas, Beat / Hammer, Thomas / Roost Vischer, Lilo (eds.): Werkschau Afrikastudien, Bd. 11, Lit-Verlag, Münster, pp. 177-184.[8601]

Roth, Claudia (1994): Und sie sind stolz. Zur Ökonomie der Liebe. Die Geschlechtertrennung be iden Zara in Bobo-Diolasso, Burkina Faso, Frankfurt a.M., Brandes und Apsel Verlag.[8602]

Roth, Claudia (1995): Wehe, wenn die Frauen sich schmücken, Ein ethnologischer Beitrag, in: Ethnopsycholanalyse, 4, (Arbeit, Alltag, Feste).[8603]

Roth, Claudia (1997): „Was ist Liebe?“ Zum Wandel der Ehe in Bobo-Diolasso, ein Beispiel, in: Sottas, Beat / Hammer, Thomas / Roost Vischer, Lilo (eds.): Werkschau Afrikastudien, Bd. 11, Lit-Verlag, Münster, pp. 198-208.[8604]

Roth, Claudia (2000): Der unerfüllte Heiratswunsch, Erzählungen einer jungen Frau in Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso, in: de Jong, Willemijn / Möwe, Illona / Roth, Claudia (Hg.): Bilder und Realitäten der Geschlechter, Argonaut Verlag, Zürich, pp. 155-176.[8605]

Roth, Claudia / de Jong, Willemijn / Perlik, Manfred et al. (eds.) (2018): Urban dreams, Transformation of family life in Burkina Faso, Berghahn Publishers, Oxford.[8606]

society - homosexuality / sexual minorities

Equaldex (2016): LGBT rights in Burkina Faso, Equaldex, Los Angeles, 2016.[11933]

society - masculinities

Van de Walle, Francine / Traore, Baba (1986): Attitudes of women and men towards contraception in Bobo-Dioulasso, African Demography Working Paper 13, Population Studies Center, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.[9228]

society - migration and urbanisation

David, Rosalind / Yabré, Pauline / Traoré, Colette (1994): „Shouldering the workload, restricted in taking initiatives“, Effects of male out-migration on women’s management of natural resource base in Passoré (Burkina Faso), in: Grawert, Elke (Hg.): Wandern oder bleiben? Veränderungen der Lebenssituation von Frauen im Sahel durch die Arbeitsmigration der Männer, Lit-Verlag, Münster, pp. 157-189.[9632]

Heuler-Neuhaus, Werner (1994): Mit den Frauen verliert auch die dörfliche Gemeinschaft die Initiative, Gesellschaftliche und ökologische Auswirkungen von Emigration in der Provinz Yatenga (Burkina Faso) in: Grawert, Elke (Hg.): Wandern oder bleiben? Veränderungen der Lebenssituation von Frauen im Sahel durch die Arbeitsmigration der Männer, Lit-Verlag, Münster, pp. 133-156.[9633]

Oudraogo, Jean-Bernhard (1995): The girls of Nyovuuru, Dagara female labour migration to Bobo-Dioulasso, in: Baker, Jonathan / Aina, Tade Akin (eds.): The migration experience in Africa, Nordic Africa Institute Publications, Uppsala, pp. 303-320.[9634]

society - women's organisations

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