Literature Database on Gender in Subsahara Africa

Literature regarding Namibia

agriculture ecology rural development climate changearts and cultureeconomy - formal and informal employment
economy - Householdseconomy - markets and traderseconomy - pastoralism
education schooling and tertiary educationhealth - fgc fgmhealth - HIV AIDS and gender
health - reproduction and fertilityhealth history colonialism and pre-colonial history
Literature media politics - wars violent conflicts
politics Religion - Christianity Religion - Islam
Religion - traditional rituals and spirit mediumshipRights - human rights violations gender based violence Rights - Women Human Rights and legal system
society - families marriagessociety - homosexuality / sexual minorities society - masculinities
society - migration and urbanisationsociety - women's organisations

agriculture ecology rural development climate change

Andima, Jochbeth (1992): The integration of women in the rural development process, Namibian Economic Policy Research Unit, NEPRU Working Paper, No. 4, Windhoek.[740]

Andima, Jochbeth (1993): Women’s role in the development process with special reference to factors of production, NEPRU Working Paper, No. 17, Namibian Economic Policy Research Unit, Windhoek.[741]

Becker, Heike (2006): ‘New things after independence’, Gender and traditional authorities in post-colonial Namibia, in: Journal of Southern African Studies, vol. 32, no. 1, pp.29-48.[742]

Girvan, Lori Ann (1995): Namibia: National report on women, agriculture, and rural development for the Fourth World Conference on women, Working Paper No. 10, Namibian Economic Policy Research Unit, Windhoek.[743]

Iken, Adelheid (1996): Female-headed households as a response to, and consequence of, social change: The situation of single mothers in Southern Namibia, Working Paper No. 7, Basler Afrika Bibliographien, Basel.[744]

Marcus, Rachel / Baden, Sally (1992): Gender and development in Namibia, A country study, Bridge Report, No. 6, Publications of the Institute of Development Studies, Brighton.[746]

Mayer-Himmelheber, Clara / Meyer-Bauer, Dorothea (1996): ‘I am a woman who does many businesses’: Concepts of crafts promotion versus indigenous strategies of income generation in Northern Namibia, in: Entwicklungsethnologie, 5, 2, pp.58-70.[745]

Mufune, Pempelani (2005): Myths about condoms and HIV/AIDS in rural northern Namibia, in: International Social Science Journal, vol. 57, pp.657-686.[747]

Namibian Economic Policy Research Unit (NEPRU (1995): Land reform and the situation of women, unpublished paper, NEPRU-Briefing Paper 10, Windhoek.[748]

Schneider, Monika / Westphal, Ute (1995): Erfahrungen mit Frauen in der Anwendung partizipativer Methoden zur Situationsanalyse und zur Planung von Projektaktivitäten in den kommunalen Gebieten Namibias, in: Altmann, Uta / Teherani-Krönner, Parto (Hg.): Frauen in der ländlichen Entwicklung, Heft 1, HU-Publikationen, Berlin, pp.70-75.[750]

Schäfer, Rita (2002): Transformationen der Ovambo-Gesellschaft und Veränderungen der Anbausysteme in Nord-Namibia, Geschlechterverhältnisse und tradiertes agrar-ökologisches Wissen, in: Anthropos, 97, 1, pp.73-87.[749]

Thomas, Felicity (2008): Remarrige after spousal death, Options facing widows and implications for livelihood security, in: Gender and Development, vol. 16, no. 1, pp.73-83.[751]

UN Habitat (2006): Namibia: Law, land tenure and gender review, Southern Africa, UN-Habitat, Nairobi.[752]

Wanzala, Winnie (1994): Welche Rolle können städtische Frauenorganisationen bei der Emanzipation von Frauen in ländlichen Gebieten spielen? Eine theoretische Untersuchung, in: Peripherie, 53, pp.75-90.[753]

Westphal, Ute / Bergmeier, Uwe u.a. (1994): Participatory methods for situation analysis and planning of project activities, Experiences with women and youth in the communal areas of Namibia, Publikationen des Seminars für ländliche Entwicklung, Berlin.[754]

arts and culture

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economy - formal and informal employment

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economy - Households

Iken, Adelheid (1996): Female-headed households as a response to, and consequence of, social change: The situation of single mothers in Southern Namibia, Working Paper No. 7, Basler Afrika Bibliographien, Basel.[1973]

Iken, Adelheid (1999): Women headed households in Southern Namibia: Causes, patterns and consequences, IKO-Verlag fur Interkulturelle Kommunikation, Frankfurt a.M.[1974]

economy - markets and traders

no entries to this combination of country and topic

economy - pastoralism

Sullivan, Sian (2000): Gender, ethnography myths and community based conservation in a former Namibian ‘homeland’, in: Hodgson, Dorothy (ed.): Rethinking pastoralism in Africa, Gender, culture and the myth of the patriarchal pastoralist, James Currey, Oxford, pp. 142-164.[2388]

education schooling and tertiary education

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health - fgc fgm

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health - HIV AIDS and gender

Brenzinger, Matthias / Harms, Gundel (2001): HIV/AIDS threat and prevention in marginalised ethnic communities, GTZ Publications, Eschborn.[3647]

Edwards, Lucy (2007): HIV/AIDS in Namibia, Gender, class and feminist theory revisited, in: Melber, Henning (ed.): Transitions in Namibia, Which changes for whom? Nordic Africa Institute, Uppsala, pp. 230-244.[3648]

Gronemeyer, Reimer (2003): Today it’s your familiy, Tomorrow it’s you … Essays by young Namibians on the social impact of HIVand AIDS, Gamsberg MacMillan, Windhoek.[3649]

Haarhoff, Dorian (ed.) (2008): Seven letters, HIV/AIDS stories from Namibian children, Basler Afrika Bibliographien, Basel.[3650]

Hailonga, Panduleni (2005): Adolescent sexuality and reproductive behaviour in Namibia, Shaker Verlag, Berlin.[3651]

Hofer, Christine (2005): HIV/AIDS in Namibia, Eine Analyse unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Prävention und der Situation von Frauen, Trauner Verlag, Linz.[3652]

Iipinge, Scholastika / Hofnie, Kathe / Friedman, Steve (2004): The relationship between gender roles and HIV infection in Namibia, University of Namibia Press, Windhoek.[3653]

Le Beau, Debie / Spence, G.J. (2004): The influence of poverty on the epidemiology of HIV/AIDS and its subsequennt reinformcement of poverty among economically marginalised families in Northern Namibia, in: Mulinge, M. / Mufune, P. (eds.): Debt relief initiatives and poverty alleviation, Africa Institute of South Africa, Pretoria.[3654]

Mufune, Pempelani (2003): Changing patterns of sexuality in northern Namibia, in: Culture, Health and Sexuality, vol. 5, no. 5, pp. 425-436.[3655]

Rompel, Matthias (2002): Haina’s Tod, Wie AIDS den Generationenvertrag in Namibia gefährdet, in: Entwicklung und ländlicher Raum, Nr. 1, pp. 16-20.[3656]

Rompel, Matthias (2004): ’This is my house’, Heidimbis Kindheit, oder: Vom Horror und der Notwendigkeit neuer Institutionen in Zeiten von AIDS in Namibia, in: Peripherie, Nr. 93/94, pp. 88-112.[3657]

Rompel, Matthias (2006): AIDS in Namibia, Soziale Folgen der Epidemie in Katutura und Ovamboland, Lit-Verlag, Münster. [3658]

Talavera, Philippe (2002): Challenging the Namibian perception of sexuality, A casse study of the Ovahimba and Ovaherero culturo-sexual models in Kunene North in an HIV/AIDS-context, Gamsberg Macmillan, Windhoek.[3659]

Thomas, Felicity (2008): Remarriage after spousal death, Options facing widows and implications for livelihood security, in: Gender and Development, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 73-83.[3660]

Webb, Douglas / Simon, David (1995): Migrants, money and military, The social epidemiology of HIV/AIDS in Ovambo, Northern Namibia, NEPRU Occasional Paper, no. 4, Windhoek.[3661]

Wieringa, Saskia (2000): Gender, tradition, sexual diversity and AIDS in postcolonial Southern Africa: Some suggestions for research, in: LeBeau, Debie / Gordon, Robert J. (eds.): Challenges for anthropology in the ‘African renaissance’: A Southern African Contribution, University of Namibia Press, Windhoek, pp. 124-137.[3662]

health - reproduction and fertility

Hailonga, Panduleni (2005): Adolescent sexuality and reproductive behaviour in Namibia, Shaker Verlag, Berlin.[4677]

La Font, Suzanne / Hubbard, Diane (eds.) (2007): Unravelling taboos, Gender and sexuality, Legal Assistance Centre, Windhoek.[4678]

Lindsay, Jenny (1991): The politics of population control in Namibia, in: Meredeth, Trushen (ed.): Women and health in Africa, Africa World Press, Trenton, pp. 143-168.[4679]

Notkola, Veijo / Siiskonen, Harri (2000): Fertility, mortality and migration in Sub-Saharan Africa: The case of Ovamboland in North Namibia, 1925-90, St. Martin's Press, New York.[4680]


Nangolo, Lydia / Peltzer, Karl (2003): Violence against women and its mental health consequences in Namibia, in: Gender and Behaviour, vol. 1, pp. 16-33.[5043]

history colonialism and pre-colonial history

Becker, Heike (2005): ‘Let me come to tell you’, Loide Shikongo, the king and poetic license in colonial Ovamboland, in: History and Anthropology, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 235-258.[5370]

Hayes, Patricia (1996): ‘Cocky’ Hahn and the ‘Black Venus’: The making of a Native Commissioner in South West Africa, 1915-1946, in: Gender and History, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 364-392.[5371]

Hayes, Patricia (1998): The ‘famine of the dams’: Gender, labour and politics in colonial Ovamboland, 1929-1930, in: Hayes, Patricia et al. (eds.): Namibia under South African rule: Mobility and containment 1915-1946, James Currey, Oxford, pp. 117-146.[5372]

Lindsay, Jenny (1991): The politics of population control in Namibia, in: Meredeth, Trushen (ed.): Women and health in Africa, Africa World Press, Trenton, pp. 143-168.[5373]

Rizzo, Lorena (2012): Gender and colonialism, A history of Kaoko in north-western Namibia 1870-1950, Basler Afrika Bibliographien, Basel.[5374]


no entries to this combination of country and topic


Nghidininwa, Maria M. (2008): Women journalists in Namibia’s liberation struggle, 1985-1990, Basler Afrika Bibliograhien, Basel.[6545]

politics - wars violent conflicts

Allison, Caroline (1989): “It’s like holding the key to your own jail” – Women in Namibia, Publications of the World Council of Churches, Geneva.[6803]

Becker, Heike (2003): Junge Frauen im Exil, Ellen Ndeshi Namhila, eine Autobiographie, in: Periplus, 12. Jahrgang, pp. 60-74.[6804]

Becker, Heike (2001): „We want women to be given an equal chance“, Post independence rural politics in Northern Namibia, in: Meredeth, Sheila / Pillay, Anu / Turshen, Meredeth (eds.): The aftermath, Women in post-conflict transformation, Zed Books, London, pp. 225-242.[6805]

Cleaver, Tessa / Wallace, Marion (1990): Women and war, Zed Books, London.[6806]

Hervé, Florence (Hg.) (1993): Namibia, Frauen mischen sich ein, Orlanda Frauenverlag, Berlin.[6807]

McFadden, Patricia (1988): Forms and spheres of anti-colonial resistance with special reference to Namibian women, in: Wood, Brian (ed.): Namibia 1884-1984: Readings on Namibia’s history and society, selected papers, London, pp. 622-626.[6808]

Olsson, Louise (2001): Gender mainstreaming in practice, The United Nations Transitional Assistance Group in Namibia, in: Olsson, Louise / Tryggestad, Torunn, (eds.): Women and international peacekeeping, Frank Cass Publishers, London, pp. 97-110.[6810]

Olsson, Louise (2005): The Namibian peace operation in a gender context, in: Mazurana, Dyan E. / Raven-Roberts, Angela / Parpart, Jane L. (eds.): Gender, Conflict and Peacekeeping, Rowman and Littlefield Lanham, pp. 168-182.[6811]

Preston, Rosemary (1997): Integrating fighters after war: Reflections on the Namibian experience, 1989-1993, in: Journal of Southern African Studies, vol. 23, 3, pp. 453-461.[6809]

Schäfer, Rita (2008): Frauen und Kriege in Afrika, ein Beitrag zur Gender-Forschung, Brandes und Apsel Verlag, Frankfurt a.M.[11883]

Soiri, Lina (1996): The radical motherhood, Namibian women’s independence struggle, Uppsala.[6812]

Trewhela, Paul (1993): Women and the SWAPO, Institutionalised rape in SWAPO`s prisions, in: Searchlight South Africa, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 23-29.[6813]


no entries to this combination of country and topic

Religion - Christianity

Kathindi, Nangula (1991): Women’s struggle in the church, A Namibian voice, in: Ackermann, Denise / Draper, Jonathan / Mashinini, Emma (eds.): Holding up half of the sky: Women in the church in Southern Africa, Cluster Publishers, Pietermaritzburg, pp. 254-266.[7678]

Trüper, Ursula (2000): ‘Every sentence I translate, she is obliged to set it over...’: Zara Schmelen and the Nama language (on the Khoekhoe wife of the missionary J.H. Schmelen), in: Stadtler, Katharina / Truper, Ursula (eds.): African women and cultural globalization, Rudiger Koeppe, Cologne, pp. 35-54.[7679]

Religion - Islam

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Religion - traditional rituals and spirit mediumship

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Rights - human rights violations gender based violence

Jewkes, Rachel / Penn-Kekana, L. / Rose-Junius, H. (2005): ‘If they rape me, I can't blame them’: Reflections on gender in the social context of child rape in South Africa and Namibia, in: Social Science and Medicine, vol. 61, no. 8, pp. 1809-1820.[10487]

Legal Assistance Centre (2000): Namibian men against violence against women, Legal Assistance Centre / Ford Foundation, Windhoek. [10488]

Legal Assistance Centre (2007): Rape in Namibia, An assessment of the operation of the combating of Rape Act 8 of 2000, Full Report, Legal Assistance Centre, Windhoek.[10489]

Nangolo, Lydia / Peltzer, Karl (2003): Violence against women and its mental health consequences in Namibia, in: Gender and Behaviour, vol. 1, pp. 16-33.[10490]

Trewhela, Paul (1993): Women and the SWAPO, Institutionalised rape in SWAPO`s prisions, in: Searchlight South Africa, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 23-29.[10491]

World Health Organisation (WHO) (2005): Multi-country study on women’s health and domestic violence, Namibia, WHO/Geneva.[10492]

Rights - Women Human Rights and legal system

Becker, Heike (1997): Voreheliche Sexualität und traditionelles Recht in Nordnamibia, in: Peripherie, Nr. 65/66, pp. 157-187.[11137]

Becker, Heike (1998): Gender aspects of traditional authorities and customary courts in Northern Namibia, in: D’Engelbronner-Kolff, F.M. / Hinz, M.O. / Sindano, J.L. (eds.): Traditional authority and democracy in Southern Africa, New Namibia Books, Windhoek, pp. 257-289.[11138]

Bonthys, Elsje (2000): Deny thy father and refuse thy name, Namibian equality jurisprudence and married women’s surnames, in: South African Law Journal, vol. 117, p. 464.[11139]

Fitchat, Sandra (2005): Inheritance issues, Legal Assistance Centre, Windhoek.[11140]

Gawanas, Bienas (1987): Women's struggle within the national liberation struggle, in: Journal of African Marxists, pp. 50-54.[11141]

Gawanas, Bienas (1991): Namibian independence, in: Bazilli, Susan (ed.): Putting women on the agenda, Ravan Press, Johannesburg, pp. 248-255.[11142]

Gawanas, Bienas (1992): Legal rights of Namibian women and Affirmative Action: The eradification of gender inequalities, in: Agenda, no. 14, pp. 3-9.[11143]

Gawanas, Bienas (1993): Legal rights of Namibian women and affirmative action: The eradication of gender inequalities, in: Review of African Political Economy, No. 56, pp. 116-123. [11144]

Gawanas, Bienas (1993): Stuck in the middle: Women, the family and two systems of law, Namibia Review, vol. 2, pp. 24-29.[11145]

Gawanas, Bienas (1995): Human rights through the eyes of Namibian women, in: Human rights education and advocacy in Namibia in the 1990s: A tapestry of perspectives, New Namibia Books, Windhoek.[11146]

Gender Research and Advocacy Project (2005): Marital property in civil and customary marriages, Proposals for Law Reform, Legal Assistance Centre, Windhoek.[11147]

Gender Research and Advocacy Project (2005): The meaning of inheritance, Perpsectives on the Namibian practices, Legal Assistance Centre, Windhoek.[11148]

Hinz, Manfred O. (1997): Law reform from within, Improving the legal status of women in northern Namibia, in: Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law, 39, pp. 69-79.[11149]

Hinz, Manfred O. (1998): Family law in Namibia, The challenge of customary and constutional law, in: Eekelaar, John / Nhlapo, Thandabantu (eds.): The changing family – International perspectives on the family and family law, Hart Publishing, Oxford, pp. 139-152.[11150]

Hubbard, Diana (1991): A critical discussion of the law on Rape in Namibia, in: Bazzili, Susan (ed.): Putting women on the agenda, Ravan Press, Johannesburg, pp. 134-167.[11151]

Hubbard, Diana (1994): Should a minimum sentence for rape be imposed in Namibia, in: Murray, Christina (ed.): Gender and the new South African legal order, Juta Press, Cape Town, pp. 228-255.[11152]

Hubbard, Diana (2007): Ideas about equality in Namibian family law, in: Melber, Henning (ed.): Transitions in Namibia, Which changes for whom? Nordic Africa Institute, Uppsala, pp. 209-229.[11153]

Legal Assistance Centre (2000): Namibian men against violence against women, Legal Assistance Centre / Ford Foundation, Windhoek. [11154]

Legal Assistance Centre (2007): Rape in Namibia, An assessment of the operation of the combating of Rape Act 8 of 2000, Full Report, Legal Assistance Centre, Windhoek.[11155]

Ruppel, Oliver (2010): Women’s rights and customary law in Namibia: A conflict between human and cultural rights? BAB Working Paper, BAB, Basel.[11156]

Sippel, Harald (1997): Die Gleichberechtigung von Frau und Mann in der Ehe nach dem Married Persons Equality Act (1996) von Namibia, in: Verfassung und Recht in Übersee, 30, 3, pp. 380-398. [11157]

Thomas, Felicity (2007): Global rights, local realities, Negotiating gender equality and sexual rights in the Caprivi Region, Namibia, in: Culture, Health and Society, vol. 9, no. 6, pp. 599-614.[11158]

Thomas, Felicity (2008): Remarriage after spousal death, Options facing widows and implications for livelihood security, in: Gender and Development, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 73-83.[11159]

UN Habitat (2006): Namibia: Law, land tenure and gender review, Southern Africa, UN-Habitat, Nairobi.[11160]

society - families marriages

McKittrick, Meredith (1996): The ‘burden’ of young men: Property and generational conflict in Namibia, 1880-1945, in: African Economic History, 24, pp. 115-129.[8739]

McKittrick, Meredith (1998): Generational struggle and social mobility in Western Ovambo communities, 1915-1954, in: Hayes, Patricia et al. (eds.): Namibia under South African rule, Mobility and containment, 1915-1946, James Currey, Oxford.[8740]

Pauli, Julia (2010): The female side of male patronage, Gendered perspectives on elite formation processes in Northwest Namibia, in: Journal of Namibian Studies, vol. 8, no. 27-47.[8741]

Thomas, Felicity (2007): Global rights, local realities, Negotiating gender equality and sexual rights in the Caprivi Region, Namibia, in: Culture, Health and Society, vol. 9, no. 6, pp. 599-614.[8742]

Thomas, Felicity (2008): Remarriage after spousal death, Options facing widows and implications for livelihood security, in: Gender and Development, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 73-83.[8743]

society - homosexuality / sexual minorities

Currier, Ashley (2012): The aftermath of decolonization, Gender and sexual dissidence in postindependence Namibia, in: Signs, Journal of Women in Culture and Society, vol. 37, no. 2, pp. 441-467.[11826]

Currier, Ashley (2010): Political homophobia in post-colonial Nambia, in: Gender and Society, vol. 24, pp. 110-129.[9055]

Currier, Ashley (2012): Out in Africa, LGBTI organzing in Namibia and South Africa, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis.[9056]

Falk, Kurt (1998): Homosexuality among the natives of Southwest Africa in: Murray, Stephen / Roscoe, Will (eds.): Boy wives and female husbands, Studies in African homosexualities, St. Martin’s Press, New York, pp. 187-196.[9057]

Frank, Liz / Khaxas, Elizabeth (1996): Lesbians in Namibia, in: Reinfelder, M. (ed.): Amazon to Zami, Towards a global lesbian feminism, Cassell, London, pp. 109-117.[9058]

Henrichsen, Dag (2007): ‘Krieg auf niedriger Stufe’, Schwul-lesbischer Alltag in Namibia, IZ3W, 300, pp. 40-41.[9059]

La Font, Suzanne (2007): Decolizing sexuality, in: Melber, Henning (ed.): Transitions in Namibia, Which changes for whom, Nordic Africa Institute, Uppsala, pp. 245-260.[9060]

La Font, Suzanne / Hubbard, Diane (eds.) (2007): Unravelling taboos, Gender and sexuality, Legal Assistance Centre, Windhoek.[9061]

Lorway, Robert (2006): Dispelling `heterosexual African AIDS´ in Namibia, Same?sex sexuality in the township of Katutura,in: Culture, Health & Sexuality, 8, 5, pp. 435-449.[11824]

Lorway, Robert (2006): Dispelling heterosexual African AIDS in Namibia, Same-sex sexuality in the township of Katutura, in: Culture, Health and Society, vol. 8, no. 5, pp. 435-449.[9062]

Lorway, Robert (2014): Namibia’s rainbow project, Gay rights in an African nation, Unversity of Indiana Press, Bloomington.[9063]

Lorway, Robert (2008): Defiant desire in Namibia, Female sexual-gender transgression and the making of politica being, in: American Ethnologist, vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 20-33.[9064]

Morgan, Ruth / Wieringa, Saskia (eds.) (2005): Tommy boys, Lesbian men and ancestral wives, Female same-sex practices in Africa, Jacana Media, Johannesburg.[9065]

society - masculinities

Becker, Heike (2000): Becoming men, Masculine identities among young men in two Namibian locations, in: Development Update, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 15-21.[9284]

Becker, Heike (2006): ‘I am the man’, Historical and contemporary perspectives on masculinity in Northern Namibia, in: Gibson, D. / Hardon, A. (eds.): Masculinity, violence and AIDS, Issues related to health, Het Spinhuis, Amsterdam, pp. 19-43.[9285]

McKittrick, Meredith (1996): The ‘burden’ of young men: Property and generational conflict in Namibia, 1880-1945, in: African Economic History, 24, pp. 115-129.[9286]

McKittrick, Meredith (1998): Generational struggle and social mobility in Western Ovambo communities, 1915-1954, in: Patricia Hayes et al. (eds.), Namibia under South African rule. Mobility and containment, 1915-1946, James Currey, Oxford, pp. 241-262.[9287]

Odendaal, W. (2001): The men against violence movement in Namibia, in: Development, 44, 3, pp. 90-93.[9288]

society - migration and urbanisation

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society - women's organisations

Becker, Heike (1992): Zwischen Parteipolitik und Autonomie, Erfahrungen der namibischen Frauenbewegung, in: Peripherie, Nr. 47/48, pp.49-73.[10019]

Becker, Heike (1995): Namibian women’s movement 1980-1992, Form anti-colonial resistance to reconciliation, IKO-Verlag, Frankfurt.[10020]

Becker, Heike (2001): „We want women to be given an equal chance“, Post independence rural politics in Northern Namibia, in: Meredeth, Sheila / Pillay, Anu / Turshen, Meredeth (eds.): The aftermath, Women in post-conflict transformation, Zed Books, London, pp.225-242.[10021]

Cooper, Allan (1997): State sponsorship of women’s rights and implications for patriarchism in Namibia, in: Journal of Modern African Studies, vol. 35, no. 3, pp.469-483.[10022]

Gawanas, Bienas (1993): Legal rights of Namibian women and affirmative action: The eradication of gender inequalities, in: Review of African Political Economy, No. 56, pp.116-123. [10023]

Hubbard, Dianne / Solomon, Colette (1995): Many faces of feminism in Namibia, in: Basu, Amita (ed.): Women’s movement in a global perspective, Westview Press, Boulder, pp.163-186.[10024]

Wanzala, Winnie (1994): Welche Rolle können städtische Frauenorganisationen bei der Emanzipation von Frauen in ländlichen Gebieten spielen? Eine theoretische Untersuchung, in: Peripherie, Nr. 54, pp.75-90.[10025]

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